Dental Implant
Multiple Tooth Implant
Same day appointment available for multiple dental implant

Losing teeth at multiple locations would affect oral function. Missing Teeth can change oral function drastically from difficulty in biting to improper mastication. This also directly affects the health of the Jaw Joint. Multiple dental Implants are the best solution to regain the oral function completely and to protect the Jaw Joint from the undesirable forces.
Why Multiple Implant?
- We integrate our treatment with advanced technologies to provide the best of its kind. We completely preserve your oral structures through multiple implants.
- We perform implant surgeries in a minimally invasive manner, thereby preserving healthy structures.
- Our digital implant planning reduces the chances for failure

- The 3D implant simulation and planning is an excellent tool to study the implant process precisely and to predict the outcome accurately.
- It makes the entire process easy and uncomplicated.
- This tool literally reduces the treatment time, as it can render full support during the treatment planning process as well as at the time of surgery.
- 3D implant simulation and planning helps to ensure that the implant is positioned properly. It tells about the amount of bone available, the strength of the surrounding bone and the proximity of nerves. Through this, we can accurately place the implant without traumatising the adjacent tissues or injuring the nerves. This helps to educate the patient well in advance about the procedures and get an overall idea about what will happen in the process. You will also get the visual idea of the final outcome, that helps to understand the treatment better. It can precisely capture data from all the angles, thus helps to analyse and execute the treatment perfectly.

Know about Your Treatment Visits
First Visit- Consultation
- Consultation, Diagnosis
- In Depth Case Analysis
- 3D Photoshoot, X-Rays if Needed
- Treatment Planning
- Treatment Discussion & Confirmation
2nd Visit- Implant Surgery
- Implant surgery under local anesthesia
3rd visit- Preparation for crown
- Placement of Support for healing abutment.
4th Visit- Crown fixed
- Cementation of Implant Crown

Any gap in the normal teeth with change the alignment and hinder the normal chewing and biting ability. This will impact other healthy structures as well.
In care with Dr Rahman, you will get the best treatment at the most affordable price.
The implant surgery is performed in the most non-invasive manner. This promotes healing and usually there is no pain or discomfort after the implant surgery.