Braces for Children/Children Orthodontics
Are you considering orthodontic treatment for your child? You’ve come to the right place. Our parent’s guide to child orthodontics will help you understand how the process works, from understanding early check-ups to post-treatment best practices.

Why will you choose us?
- We offer Orthodontic treatment & Braces for all age.
- All treatment ended up with smile designing.
- Evidence based practice
- Latest technique applied to reduce compliance of patients.
- Besides all kinds of Dental braces we also provide Invisalign, the best clear aligner system as an alternative to braces for all ages.
A Complete Guide to Child Orthodontics
Orthodontic treatment can be a very important part of your child’s oral health and dental care care. Teeth that work together make it possible to bite and chew properly. The beautiful smile that results from child orthodontic treatment is the outward sign of good oral health, and sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy teeth..

Understanding Early Check-Ups
We suggest to check up your child at age 7 with orthodontist whenever any discrepancy is noticed in teeth and jaws.
At this age children are in mixed dental (baby and permanent) stage. Check up by orthodontist at this age will help to to find out wealth of information . If any problem found orthodontist will advise you and recommend the treatment.
Child below 7
If your child is below 7, and you find something that appears “off,” it’s do not need to wait until your child turns 7. You should take your child to an orthodontist the moment you notice an issue..
Why your child need to be treated when there is jaw discrepancy?
Jaw discrepancy could be appear as shorter or longer than normal growth either with one or both haw. This not only causes aesthetic concern also affect the speech, chewing as well confidence of child. In this situation growth modification by an orthodontist may resolve the issues in most of the cases.

Orthodontic treatment for your child when they are under 10 can help ensure:
- There is enough room for adult teeth
- The upper and lower jaws are in good balance with one another
- The treatment time for future orthodontic treatment (adult teeth straightening) is reduced.
How would you know your Child need Orthodontic treatment?
One of the easiest ways to determine if it’s time to take your child to an orthodontist is if you notice any of these early warning signs.

Common Orthodontic Problem

What to expect at your child’s Orthodontic assessment
Some children may be nervous about visiting the orthodontist for the first time. There’s nothing to worry about – our friendly team will have them feeling at ease in no time.

1.Get to Know about your Child
We shall try to know about you and your child’s concern. You will be asked some questions at the begining.

2.Your Consultation
You will be examined and have some investigation and some more assessment. Depending on the diagnosis dr will discuss all the treatment option and outcomes with you for your consent.

3.Starting Your treatment
Orthodontic treatment will be started . Its may be removable appliance, or growth modification device or brace . Some times we approach with wait and see.

4.Monitoring Progress
Often, treatment is not required prior to 10 years of age. If this is the case, Dr Rahman will monitor the case 6 or 12 monthly.
Children Orthodontic Treatment Options
Removable Appliances

Some of the problem of children can be solve simply with removable appliances within short period of time. Its cost effective and work for these cases where complicated tooth movement do not required
Habit Breaker

Habit Breaking Appliance is removable or fixed appliance used to stop certain repeated harmful habits in children. It is normal for children to exhibit oral habits like thumb or finger sucking, tongue thrusting or lip biting while growing up.

Sometime Metallic Brace used to remove some types of dental irregularities. It very compliable with the child rather using removable appliance..
Growth Modification Appliances

This types of appliance used in the cases if there is jaw discrepancy between upper and lower jaw i.e. lower growing fore forward and upper jaw and affecting jaw function and appearance.
Why would you prefer to be treated here?
We are a rare combination of individualism, commitment, perfection, precision, composure and compassion.
Quality Assurance
Lab Support
Luxury Experience

See an orthodontist to learn whether there is a reason your child’s permanent teeth are late coming in. Orthodontists look at teeth differently than your dentist does. Something may be blocking the path of unerupted permanent teeth, they may be missing, or it may simply be that your child is on his/her own schedule and there’s nothing to worry about.
It could be. When a person can’t comfortably keep their lips together when the mouth is closed and at rest, the condition is called “lip incompetence.” This can affect facial muscles, which could alter facial development. There may be problems with swallowing, jaw joint function, and the way teeth come in. See an orthodontist for an evaluation.
A child’s mouth needs baby teeth to hold space for permanent teeth. Without baby teeth, permanent teeth may not come in properly, and facial development can be affected. See an orthodontist to learn what early loss of baby teeth means for your child.
Yes. Protrusive front teeth may be the outward sign of a problem with the positions of the jaws, or positions of the teeth, even if your child has baby teeth. Protrusive upper front teeth are more likely to be broken at play or in an accident. Consult an orthodontist.